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You can choose between 3 variants:

25 miniature products packed in 25 paper bags: 130 CHF

25 mignon products packaged in 25 handmade paper boxes by Corinne Lepori from Lopagno + container box: 170 CHF (to be ordered in advance)

25 migon products without packaging

(for those who already have last year's box): 120 CHF


This is the fourth year that I propose the


I started preparing the calendar in February so you will find raw materials from all seasons, some of which are local.

Anyone with intolerances or allergies or anyone wishing to give the calendar as a gift can ask me for a detailed list of all the products.

A label is applied to each jar where all the ingredients are listed.

The cost for 25+1 products (there is a bag that contains 2) + a small sweet is 130 CHF.

The contents of the miniature jars/bottles range from 35 to 50 g, i.e. you can use a jam for breakfast to spread on 2-3 slices of bread.

The liqueur bottle will be sufficient as a digestive for 2-3 people.

The chutneys can be used for aperitifs with cheeses and cured meats.

Together with the products, I also include a sheet with some advice for tasting, in any case, if you have any other questions, you can always contact me.

I hope you will like this idea! Best regards,


2023 - Taste Advent Calendar

PriceFrom CHF120.00
Out of Stock
  • Anyone who already has the box from last year can reuse it. Contact me to agree on the "filling". The price for you is 120 CHF.

    If you would like the container box + the 25 handmade inner boxes, please order it in time.

  • Nella scatola troverete 25 prodotti mignon, si tratta di confetture, gelatine, marmellate, chutney, creme, salse, liquori e anche qualcosa di speciale.

    Su ogni vasetto è applicata un'etichetta dove solo elencati tutti gli ingredienti.

    Il contenuto dei vasetti/bottigliette mignon va dai 30 ai 50 g, vale a dire che un confettura potrà per esempio venir spalmata a colazione su 2-3 fette di pane.

    La bottiglietta di liquore sarà sufficiente come digestivo per 2-3 persone.

    Le chutney potranno servire per aperitivi con formaggi e salumi.

    Insieme ai prodotti troverete un prospetto di accompagnamento con qualche consiglio per la degustazione, in ogni caso se avete altre domande potrete sempre rivolgervi a me.

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